It started out as a harmless hobby. I had no idea it would come to this!
It started out as a harmless hobby. I had no idea it would come to this!
The Club provides opportunities to broaden your quilting skills through educational programs, meetings and workshops. We, also, organize social events to have fun and get to know each other. If you would like to teach a class, or help organize a class, contact the Program Chairman.
If you would like to help organize one of our member events such as a luncheon or party, let one of the Co-Chairs know.
Want to know what's coming up? Check out the calendar below.
Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings/events take place at our regular meeting location at Pueblo El Mirage.
Lexi Burg will teach us how to make an envelope bag on February 24th.
Make sure to read the preparation instructions so you are ready for the class!
Spring Cleaning Sale April 14th!
Clean out your sewing room and other closets and sell (or give away) your unneeded stuff at the sale.
Contact Sara Friesen with questions.
Calico Cut-Ups has an Accuquilt Cutter and many different blades you can borrow. Contact one of the board members to use this benefit. Below is the list of blades available.
If you want handouts, presentations, or tutorials from previous programs, we have archived the information here.